

Canteen’s Big Picture programme is all about supporting rangatahi 18-24 years who are dealing with the impacts of cancer in their life. Held once a week over three weeks, this online group art therapy programme provides rangatahi with an opportunity to express their emotions in a supported way and helps them to develop mindfulness skills and self-compassion.


Canteen’s Truce programme is about supporting rangatahi aged 14-24 whose parent or caregiver has been diagnosed or relapsed with cancer in the past five years. Held once a week over seven weeks, this online programme equips rangatahi with the skills they need to cope with difficult times, helps them communicate better with parents and whānau, and allows them to focus more on what’s important to them in life.


Studies have shown that rangatahi with a cancer diagnosis may experience anxiety, sadness, and worry, and may have little opportunity to connect with other rangatahi undergoing treatment. SPACE is an online group programme for rangatahi aged 13-24 going through active cancer treatment. Held once a week over three weeks, it connects rangatahi with others experiencing cancer and treatment and supports them to learn how to strengthen their adaptive coping skills to help manage the impact of their cancer experience.


We know that rangatahi who face the death of a loved one from cancer often report high levels of distress and a need for understanding among others who have gone through the same thing. Sensing Our Grief brings together rangatahi aged 13-24 who have experienced the death of a parent, carer, or sibling from cancer. Held once a week over six weeks, this online programme helps rangatahi explore and express their grief, share experiences, and learn from others who’ve faced loss too.


Rangatahi who’ve had cancer face the daunting task of ‘getting back to normal’ while managing a return to school, navigating social isolation and changes in relationships, and worrying about whether their cancer will come back. Held once a week over three weeks, this online programme helps rangatahi aged 13-17 who have completed active cancer treatment learn strategies for coping with common concerns that come with life after cancer, with others who truly understand their experience.

Find out more

To learn more or register for a Canteen programme call 0800 2268 336, email or fill out this quick form.
Referral form